Resources for current and prospective Green Care businesses


This page contains links to various materials that are useful for anyone looking to start a Green Care business, expand their current business to nature based services, or consult and advise prospective entrepreneurs.

Some of the materials are multi-lingual while some are only available in one language. The flag icons next to the materials indicate whether they are available in English, Finnish or Swedish.


What is Green Care?

Flag of Finland Green Care: Hyvinvointia luonnosta (video, 2021)

Flag of Sweden Green Care: Välbefinnande från naturen (video, 2021)

Flag of Sweden Naturens betydelse för hälsan (webinar, 2020)

Flag of the United Kingdom The basics and criteria of Green Care (webinar, 2019)

Flag of the United Kingdom Nature’s effect on health and wellbeing (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Sweden Naturen och skogens inverkan på människors hälsa (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Perustietoja Green Caresta ja siihen kouluttautumisesta (slideshow, 2019)

Flag of Finland Miksi luontoperustaisia palveluita? (slideshow, 2021)


Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenNordicNaBS -hankkeen loppuwebinaari (webinar, 2022)

Flag of the United Kingdom

Review of Nordic Nature-based Service Models (report, 2021)

Flag of FinlandSROI-arviointiselostus Soite Green Care -työtoiminta kehitysvammaisille asiakkaille (report, 2022)

Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenFinal report in Finnish and in Swedish (report, 2022)


When planning a Green Care business

Flag of Finland Luonnosta hyvinvointia ja liiketoimintaa (webinar, 2019)

Flag of the United Kingdom Nature based services and pricing (webinar, 2020)

Flag of the United Kingdom Reports on the Green Care market in the European Union (report series, 2021)

Flag of Finland Business Model Canvas ja arvon tuottaminen (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Business Model Canvas ja yrityksen kannattavuus (webinar, 2020)

Flag of the United Kingdom Value creation in Green Care services (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Yritysrahoitus ja sen hankkiminen (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Metsänomistajien ja palveluyritysten yhteistyö (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Liiketoiminnan kehittäminen talouden ja arvonmuodostuksen näkökulmista BMC:a hyödyntäen (hyperlink collection, 2020)


Dealing with bureaucracy

Flag of Finland Niskalenkki byrokratiasta 1: Hankinnat (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Niskalenkki byrokratiasta 2: Viranomaisohjaus (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Niskalenkki byrokratiasta 3: Sopimukset (webinar, 2020)


Examples, service models and case studies

Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenPilottiwebinaari osa 1: Keski-Pohjanmaan pilotti (webinar, 2022)

Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenPilottiwebinaari osa 2: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan pilotti (webinar, 2022)

Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenPilottiwebinaari osa 3: Lapin pilotti (webinar, 2022)

Flag of Finland Maatilojen eläinavusteiset palvelut (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Kuljetukset Green Care –palveluja järjestettäessä (webinar, 2020)

Flag of Finland Iäkkään hyvinvoinnin edistäminen luontolähtöisellä menetelmällä (webinar, 2020) 

Flag of Sweden Innovation, affärsmodeller, värdeskapande (webinar, 2020)

Flag of the United Kingdom Opportunities and challenges of nature based services Part 1: Finland (webinar, 2020)

Flag of the United Kingdom Opportunities and challenges of nature based services Part 2: Sweden (webinar, 2020)

Flag of the United Kingdom Care Farming part 1: Introduction and Care Farming in Finland (webinar, 2019) 

Flag of the United Kingdom Care farming part 2: Grön arena in Sweden (webinar, 2019)

Flag of the United Kingdom Care farming part 3: Norway (webinar, 2020)

Flag of the United Kingdom Care farming in the Netherlands (webinar, 2019)

Flag of the United Kingdom Guided relaxation in nature environment (webinar, 2019)

Flag of the United Kingdom Review of Nordic Nature-based Service Models (report, 2021)

Flag of Finland Flag of SwedenFinal report in Finnish and in Swedish (report, 2022)

Flag of Finland Flag of the United KingdomFeeling like home in the nature of Oulu (case summary, 2020)

Flag of Finland Flag of the United Kingdom Mindfulness service piloting in the nature of Oulu (case summary, 2020) 

Flag of Finland Flag of the United KingdomPiloting of a remote animal-assisted service (case summary, 2020)

Flag of Finland Flag of Sweden Flag of the United Kingdom Social pedagogical equestrian activities for clients in Mother and Child Home and Shelter (case summary, 2020) 

Flag of Finland Flag of Sweden Flag of the United Kingdom Children and adolescents at Alitalo’s Farm (case summary, 2020)

Flag of Finland Flag of the United Kingdom The Empowering Nature Moments pilot (case summary, 2020)

Flag of Finland Flag of the United Kingdom Nature Creates pilot (case summary, 2020)

Flag of Finland Flag of the United Kingdom Explore the nature service pilot (case summary, 2020)


Instruction cards

Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenAll instruction cards in Finnish and Swedish (PDF file, 2022)

Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenCard 1 in Finnish and Swedish: Service production (PDF file, 2022)

Flag of FinlandFlag of SwedenCard 2 in Finnish and Swedish: Communications (PDF file, 2022)

Flag of FinlandCard 3 in Finnish and Swedish: Services and environments Flag of Sweden(PDF file, 2022)