The Nordic NaBS project (1/2019–4/2022)
The project supported entrepreneurs in developing business and service models that are suitable for northern conditions. Such models include Green Care in Finland and Grön Arena/Naturunderstödd rehabilitering (NUR) in Sweden. Nordic NaBS also aimed to strengthen the off-season business prospects of entrepreneurs in the natural resource and tourism industries.
Business and service models were created in cooperation with nature-based service entrepreneurs and actors in the health care, social work and educational sectors.
In Finland, development activities were situated in the regions of Lapland, Central Ostrobothnia and Northern Ostrobothnia. In Sweden, the activities were located in the Norrbotten and Västerbotten regions.
Materials for Green Care services’ clients and procurement managers
Materials for current and prospective Green Care businesses
Final report in Finnish and in Swedish
Review of Nordic Nature-based Service Models : Study on the opportunities and challenges of the nature-based services in Finland, Sweden and Norway
New Facebook group: Nordic Green Care Research & Quality Network
All materials are free to use and will be available on this website until December 2024. The website will not be updated after April 2022.
Service pilots
The project conducted 18 service pilots, of which 13 in Finland and 5 in Sweden. Their was to develop nature-based business and service models for the needs of customers in health care, social work and educational services. During pilot testing entrepreneurs produced a nature-based service to customers and actors from the public sector. The Nordic NaBS project supported the trials.
Regional events and international events
Nordic NaBS organized dozens of events on regional and international level, both as online webinars and meetings and as face-to-face events and workshops. Their aim was to develop services, cooperation and professional skills for people interested in nature-based services. Lots of the events’ materials are available on this web page and on our YouTube channel. The materials are arranged in two categories for different user groups: one for entrepreneurs, one for customers.
The Nordic NaBS project
The project operated in 1/2019–4/2022. Its aim was to develop cooperation between farms, natural resources and tourism companies and professionals within public health care, social work and educational services. The expertise and resources of the various industries in Finland, Sweden and Norway have been used in developing common business and service models that are particularly suited to the northern nature and cultural conditions.
The Nordic NaBS project is finanzed by Interreg Nord, Regional Council of Lapland and Region Norrbotten.
Project partners are Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, University of Vaasa and Luleå University of Technology
You can find more information from Nordic NaBS -Facebook group (open until December 2022) and Nordic Green Care Research & Quality Network -Facebook group.
Check out also our Youtube channel from this link.